UN Environment Programme, with support from Paytm Foundation, has launched the Air Quality Action Forum (AQAF) - the first of its kind platform with a vision towards addressing the issue of air quality in a collective manner. The AQAF was launched on December 13th, 2021 with the aim to bring together all relevant stakeholders. The Forum Launch had high-level participation from different stakeholders; Mr N. P. Gangwar, (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change), Mr Atul Bagai, (UNEP India Country Office Head), Ms Dechen Tsering (Regional Director, UNEP- Asia and the Pacific Office), Mr. Vijay Shekhar Sharma (Founder and CEO, Paytm), and Dr. Valentin Foltescu (Senior Programme Management Officer UNEP/Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat) and other participants from different agencies and organizations.
As part of the forum different stakeholders under six pillars of the corporate sector, expert institutions (including NGOs, CSOs, Academia), international development agencies, international philanthropic organizations, national philanthropic organizations, and the UN system of organizations— are to be brought together on a common platform to support efforts of the Government of India (GoI) in improving air quality and its management. Additionally, as part of AQAF, wider stakeholder engagement will be facilitated by UNEP to undertake better coordination with the MoEFCC in achieving the broader national goals set forth under NCAP.
Stakeholder discussions across 6 pillar groups will be conducted to identify perspectives on various issues concerning air pollution in India and the possible solutions that could lead to its reduction in the short and long timeframes. The inputs from various stakeholders on challenges, gaps, needs, and possible solutions will be compiled into a report to be shared during the Forum Convention scheduled around mid-2022. To know more about the forum contact CERCA IITD or unepindia@un.org.