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Air Pollution (PM2.5) : 87.29 µg/m³ Moderate: Breathing discomfort to the people with lungs, asthma and heart diseases

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi on 16 February, 2018 established CERCA (Renamed Arun Duggal Centre of Excellence for Research in Climate Change and Air Pollution) to help scholars devise solutions to fight air pollution and promote scientific research in the field. The mission of CERCA is to promote scientific research on clean air issues and provide sustainable solutions to the problem of air pollution.

CERCA was inaugurated at IIT Delhi on 16th February 2018 by the Honorable Lt Governor of Delhi, Shri Anil Baijal and has been set up with the help of Shri Arun Duggal who has previously worked with Bank of America as a banker, and is also a former chairman of Shriram Capital. Mr. Duggal is involved in several social and educational initiatives. He is also the founder of Women on Corporate Boards program in India and a Trustee of Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI). A former Alum of IIT Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad.. Read More


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Prof Ramgopal Rao Testimonails

There are many researchers at IIT-Delhi who are working on the subject of air quality and CERCA provides them with a platform to connect with the government for the implementation of research output for developing and refining government’s air pollution abatement plans and policy decisions.

Prof Ramgopal Rao Former Director, IIT Delhi
b-r-mehta Testimonails

CERCA is a model Centre of Excellence (CoE) for all other CoEs at IIT Delhi. CERCA is taking all the necessary initiatives such as policy focused research projects to help researchers and scholars devise effective sustainable solutions to the problem of air pollution through a collaborative, constructive and solution oriented approach.

Prof. B R Mehta Former Dean, Research and Development(IIT Delhi)
arun-duggal Testimonails

CERCA has made significant progress over the last one year since its formation. I am proud that so many learned faculties both from within IIT fraternity as well as from outside have joined CERCA as honorary research fellows/visiting faculties.

Mr Arun Duggal Founder, CERCA
Gazette_Marciar Testimonails

CERCA at IIT Delhi is filling the much needed gap for tackling the air pollution problem in Delhi/NCR beyond by undertaking scientific projects which would not only help in generating scientific data related to air pollution sources for the government.My best wishes to CERCA.

Ambassador Marcia Bernicat Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
sk_khare Testimonails

CERCA has collaborated with various stakeholders in the field such as the pollution control boards, the industry and the general public to frame policies and spread awareness. The centre has pioneered an Air Quality Management modelling network for the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) region in India using the Greenhouse gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model. The centre has also partnered with UNEP and TERI, India to bring out an annual Air Quality Progress Report for India. I envision a better India, where we all will breathe cleaner air and lead a healthier life, through the efforts of CERCA.

Prof. Sunil Kumar Khare Former Dean,(R&D) Industrial Research and Development Unit Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

IIT Delhi Air Quality

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